Commentaries for Vermont Public Radio

Below is a list of links (click on the title to link to the commentary) to my commentaries which aired on Vermont Public Radio. My first commentary was in the fall of 1998, and my last to date was on May 1, 2004. Since that time I have been concentrating on my own painting. When writing commentaries, my focus was on the arts, women's issues and civil rights. Both VPR and I welcome response to the commentaries. (Most of the descriptions are copied directly from the VPR host's original introductions.)

2004-05-01 March for Women's Lives.  Commentator Lois Eby was one of the million or so women in the March for Women's Lives. Here are some of her reflections on that experience.

 G. Roy Levin   Commentator Lois Eby remembers a friend and colleague who died last July. G. Roy Levin would have been 73 today.

 Alice Neel: Women drawn   The artist Alice Neel's drawings of women are being featured in a show in Burlington this summer. Commentator Lois Eby has some thoughts about Neel's work and her contribution to contemporary images of women.

 Great thoughts: Bread and Puppet Theater   Commentator Lois Eby reflects on how the ideas of Peter Schumann and the Bread and Puppet Theater have contributed to art and social conscience in Vermont and around the world, as VPR continues to explore Great Thoughts of Vermont.

 .Film, 'Here Today' moves audience    Recently commentator Lois Eby saw the film "Here Today: Heroin in Vermont" and she was moved by this documentary about the effects of heroin on addicts and their families.

2002-11-04 Honoring poet Hayden Carruth.  This month Vermont will host a series of four celebrations honoring the poet Hayden Carruth. Commentator Lois Eby shares her own memories of the poet.

 Bill Davison and Jamaican artists at the Fleming Museum. Commentator Lois Eby recently visited UVM's Fleming Museum where she viewed two exhibits, both very impressive and each very different from the other.

2002-09-19 The paintings of Jose Clemente Orozco.  Commentator Lois Eby says that a current show at the Hood Museum of Art unites art, politics, history and human suffering. 2002-08-21
Janet McKenzie art exhibit Commentator Lois Eby tells us about a thought provoking art exhibit coming to a close this weekend.

2002-07-23 James Nachtwey: Testimony to an Inferno.  Weeks after friends urged her to see an exhibit of disturbing photographs at Dartmouth's Hood Museum, commentator Lois Eby is still reflecting on the unforgettable images.

 Young People Inherit a Difficult World.   With recent graduations in mind, commentator Lois Eby offers some thoughts on the world young people are inheriting and the qualities they bring to it.

2002-05-29 Wardrobe Chronicles   Commentator Lois Eby responds to a show of work by Joan Curtis and Carolyn Shattuck at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, VT.

 Pearl Buck and the Cycle of War.  Commentator Lois Eby says that recent events have reminded her of writer Pearl Buck's experiences in China at the beginning of the 20th century.

2002-04-11 "From Swastika to Jim Crow" a Documentary.  Commentator Lois Eby recently saw a new documentary that tells the story of an unusual partnership between a handful of American colleges and Jewish teachers fleeing the holocaust.

  Four Women Artists in March.   Lois Eby observes Women's History Month by discussing the work of Maggie Neale, Elizabeth Nelson, Susan G. Scott and Marjorie Kramer.

 John Biggers: His Life and Art.  On the first anniversary of his death Lois Eby discusses African American artist John Biggers.

 The War Drawings and Etchings of Kerr Eby .   Commentator Lois Eby discusses the depiction of war in this aspect of the Connecticut artist's work.

 December Light.  In her first commentary Lois Eby meditates on the meaning of light at this darkest time of the year.